Mental Health Probiotics: The Benefits of Kefir

Effect of Kefir on Mental Health

Two significant studies conducted in Europe revealed that people suffering from depression had many types of gut bacteria missing in them. This said, gut bacteria play an important role in affecting nerve cell function, mood being one of them.

Besides millions of good bacteria, Kefir is loaded with calcium and Vitamin A, which contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system and neurotransmission.

A review published in the General Psychiatry journal read that people experiencing symptoms of anxiety should use probiotics to regulate the microorganisms in their gut. Kefir happens to be the most powerful probiotic one could consume for good health, both physical and mental.

In a scientific research paper released by PubMED Central, “Kefir and Intestinal Microbiota Modulation”, it was found that consuming Kefir helped with depression and anxiety. 

Why Consume Kefir for Depression and Anxiety?

  • Kefir is a food rich in tryptophan which enables the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in our body. Consuming Kefir allows the production of serotonin levels that may help to treat depression.
  • Kefir is anti-inflammatory and protects neurons from degradation. 
  • Kefir induces nicotine withdrawal and offers antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. Nicotine withdrawal also helps with memory impairment and improves memory.
  • Kefir modulates the intestinal microbiota and works effectively on the gut-brain axis.
  • Consuming Kefir has positive effects on the quality of sleep, which is one of the best ways to reduce depression and anxiety.

Kefir offers several health benefits, some of which are yet to be discovered. 

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